

1976 GER: Building as a System, Research-Project

1978 GER: Housing-Research Projects

1980 GRL: EMC

1982 GER: TZ-B

1984 GER: TZ-HK&KS

1986 GER: ZAZ, Berlin

1988 GER: EMC, Berlin

1990 GER: 7-hills-Project

1991 GER: Entwicklungsarbeiten: Zertifizierung von Bauwerken
(Neubauten, Albaumodernisierung, Denkmaschutz)

1992 GER: Denghoog-Project,Sylt

1993 MAL: EntwicklungsarbeitenMobile Environment-Box /
AntiMoscitoSound-Light & Fan;

GER: CHARLY/ Digitales Aufmass-System

GER: JOHNNY/Digitales System zur Erfassung bauphysikalischer Daten)

1994 GER: EV,Potsdam

1995 Architectural Competition: Women Art Centre in Pakistan,
incl. Exhibition Alhamra-Art Gallery, Lahore

1996 First photovoltaic Installation in Punjab /
TGD Women Center of AFA (NGO)

1996 GER:BTP, Luckenwalde

1997 Technology- Transfer- & Training Centre of AFA (NGO) in Pakistan

1998 Installation of according technology
(Solar hot plates and kitchen modules)

1998 Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Facultad de Artes
Departemento de Urbanismo – Museo de Arquitectura
“Leopoldo Rother”, 1. April – 8. Mai 1998, Berlin en Bogota

1998 GER: BV Serno

1999 World Conference on Science, 26 June - 1 July 1999
Budapest, Hungary

Amjads Village Project, Pakistan

2000 GER: Wuhlepark-Project

2000 World Expo Hannover 2000 - Amjad’s Village Project, Pakistan
The project is part of Expo 2000 (voted as Asian advanced
technology development)

2001 Centre for Appropriate Technology in Bamenda, Cameroon

2002 Work involving droplet irrigation for a cucumber project

2002 GER:WindChanel TUB for PAK

2003 Joint venture between TTTC of AFA Pakistan and CAT
(Centre for appropriate Technology) / Cameroon

2004 Workshop regarding Appropriate Technology
in Adam Ghot near Karachi

2004 ISR: DY-Project

2005 First International Conference on Environmentally Sustainable
Development, Department of Environmental Science
COMSATS Institute of Information Technology
26. – 28. Juni 2005 Abottabad

2006 Workshop regarding Appropriate Technology at
COMSATS in Abottabad

2006 GRL:acc-Project

2006 Extreme Housing in “TechnoBiz”

2007 Extreme Housing and Economy in “TechnoBiz”

2007 Extreme Housing in Technology, Economy & Philosophy
in “TechnoBiz”

2008 Preparation for a project regarding passive solar
architecture and internet radio to broadcast in rural areas

2008 ISL:TubeProject

2009 Housing in Science and Technology in “TechnobBiz”

2009 Construction Structures in “TechnoBiz”

2010 Housing, Development, Culture and Infrastructure in “TechnoBiz”

2010 Mud Housing Project participation in Lahore
with the AT of AFA (NGO) TTTC incl. WindMill


2010 Housing under extreme environmentaland climate conditions
in “TechnoBiz”

2011 Upgrading of Housing in “TechnoBiz”

2012 GER:LGB-Castle